Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Impatiently Waiting

"We have only been waiting a half hour". This is what I typed and sent from my iPhone to my impatient husband after he called out, "I'll give him just one more hour before I walk out of here". I certainly don't blame him. Who likes to sit in a doctors busy waiting room for any length of time. I sent him the note to calm him a little and to give him some piece of mind. It certainly doesn't improve your mood either when others inside the stuffy hot room are also calling out their impatience as well. The only plus side to that is the conversation that strikes up between those who are tired of waiting does kill about twenty minutes of wait time.
My husband, who had shoulder surgery was sent to this Orthopedic Surgeon by Workman's Comp after falling prey to a County Snow Plow. He was putting chains on his work truck and he barely had time to jump out of the way as the snow plow came barreling down towards him. The fall caused him to suffer multiple injuries but his quick thinking possibly saved his life.
Every time we visit the surgeons office, which because of a staff infection has brought us here every week lately, we are informed as always that the doctor is behind schedule. After giving her our usual dirty look, we shuffle over to an empty chair to wait our turn. As soon as we sit down I look around at the faces of those waiting to try and guess just how long our wait will be this time.
I don't mind waiting on a doctor when he is truly behind schedule, but to wait on a doctor that being behind, is his schedule, irritates me to no end.
Today was not a good day for Tom and I, we had a two hour wait.   We are finally going home. Tom is upset. What's worse, doc says he wants to see Tom in two weeks.

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