Saturday, June 8, 2013

Unemployed and Looking for Work

When you are unemployed and looking for work, there are times when you might hear people say, "Why don't you go flip burgers?"  Sure.  No problems right?  Any one can get a job like that.  Back up.  Competition is there.  You need to be prepared.

Let's talk about the competition.  Networking has made it easier for employers to reach the masses near and far.  Your competition may no longer be your buddy Joe down the road.  It could be Joe, whom you've never met, from five states over.    All I can say is you better have a memorable answer when the employer interviewing you ask, "Why should I hire you when there are other's just as qualified who wants the job"?  It's an important question, because he or she is not just blowing smoke.  There are hundreds wanting that same job.  Your only solace, if you are sitting in an interview chair, then you are one of the lucky ones.  It doesn't mean you got the job, it means, out of all the applicants, you are being considered for hire.

I have been on both sides of the fence now.  When I had my job, I would think, if it were me looking for work, I could find a job anywhere.  Those people are just lazy and don't want to work.  They want to live off the system.  Wow.  Wake up call.  Most of those people make, if their lucky about $300 a week on their unemployment.  That's, if their lucky.  I knew someone who made a whole $97 a week.  I don't know about you, but I might be able to live high off the hog with $97 a week, if  I'm living in my car and I own that car free and clear.  Oh, wait, what about insurance?

Here are some tips for the unemployed and looking for work.
  1. Network.  Reach out to friends and family, let them know your looking for work.
  2. It's very important to stay in contact and work close with your local employment office.  Sign up for their classes, such as resume writing and tips for interviewing.  Search their website for jobs and job fair postings.  They receive hundreds of new job opportunities each day and they are a great advocate for the unemployed.
  3. Consider applying at several temporary agencies.  Review their websites for jobs and call them weekly.
  4. What helps me is to prepare for interviews.  How I do that is by having a list of possible questions and what my answers will be.  I also have a list all my accomplishments.  I study these before each interview.
  5. Look over the companies website before your interview.
  6. Think of at least two good questions to ask at the end of your interview.  It shows that you are interested in the company and what they do there.
Landing a job in this day and age is not impossible.  It just takes a little more work and effort then it use to.  At times it might wear on your self esteem.  Try to stay focused, know that being unemployed is only temporary and mostly, keep away from those who are quick to judge others.  They'll only bring you down and derail your concentration.

After you land that job, be an advocate for someone who's still looking.  You, more than most, know what it's like to be unemployed and looking for work.

Good luck to you.

Deborah Goodman

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